The Development of Backup Storage
With the popularity of computer, the computer virus prevalence, and the accident catches you off guard,
backup becomes everyone's daily schedule. Therefore, here is the development of backup.
In the past, people used to use tape to backup, and then hard drives and USBs gradually replace the it.
Nowadays, cloud bacup is the most common way for personal use.
It's mainly divided into two type: online backup and off-line backup.
It's mainly divided into two type: online backup and off-line backup.
Nowadays the most common data storage is using USB, external hard drive etc to backup for the off-line backup.
For small amount of data, USB is the most common way to store information, cause it's convenient and easy to carry whenever you want, but the disadvantage is that you probably forget to bring them with you.
For the company, it's kind of impossible for them to copy the hard drive one by one, cause it'll takes lots of time. Therefore, for small and medium enterprise, they would probably buy a duplicator which can copy several units at once, usually use in DIY computers or any company that needs a system bootstrap like ATM or robotic arm.
Furthermore, it's accessible to both cellphone and computers anywhere and anytime as long as you can reach the internet, so you don't have to worried about that you forget to bring your USB with you anymore.
But the disadvantage is that when you want to store privacy data like business confidentiality, you might have concern to the security of information.
In addition to cloud service, the NAS which belongs to private cloud has become one of the popular method gradually within the company.
It's safer for data storage, for example, like RAID1, it is composed of two hard drive, using disk mirroring to ensure continuous availability. It's the highest protection unless both of hard drive damage simultaneously.